You have reached the maximum of four properties per comparison.
Address: 1396 Bankhead Highway, Carrollton, GA 30117 Zoning: C-2 General Commercial 5,500 Square Feet of Heated Space for Office/Showroom 2,800 ..
Address: 104 West Perennial Drive, Temple, GA 30179 Square Footage: 1,000 Suite: 300 Rental Rate: $1,000 (includes C.A.M.) Total Lease Price: ..
3407 Hwy 5, Carrollton, GA 30116 Acres: 7.87+/- Zoning: Residential Property fronts on Hwy 5, Cavender Creek Rd. and Prevost ..
Acres: 0.37± Square Footage: 2,340± 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Year Built: 1987 Located in Farmington Trace Subdivision Fenced in back ..
Square Footage: 1,535 Suite: C Base Rent: $7.75 C.A.M.: $2.00 Total Lease Price: $1,247.19 per month Great space located in ..
Address: 131 Buchanan St., Bremen, GA 30110 Purchase Price: $70,000 Double brick walled (Fully Insulated) 1600 SF +/- including bottom ..
Address: 145 Southbend Road, Carrollton, GA. 30116 Acres: 5.32± Zoning: R3-Residential 1.372 Miles from Highway 27 South Property has a Retention ..
Tract 1 Address: 115 Paris Dr. Acreage: 0.59± Tract 2 Address: 127 Evergreen Way Acreage: 0.46± Tract 3 Address: 133 ..
Address: Georgia Hwy 100, Tallapoosa, GA 30176 Zoning: A-1 (easily re-zoned commercial) 8 Acres ± Topography: Level High Traffic Count: ..
Address: 290 Bar J Road, Temple, GA. Parcel Number: 1470188 Acres: 6.89± Zoning: R4-Residentail Two Story Home 2 Bedrooms, 2 ..